January, 2024


3h 30m

Found it odd (maybe it becomes relevant later) how little happens on the return to Mt. Nibel. This place would seem like prime grounds for Cloud to have an existential crisis, but not even visiting the mako reactor elicits any response from the party members.

After watching the game awards trailer for FF7: Rebirth, I'm a little worried that Cid may have been sanitised. Remake made some adjustments to character which overall I felt worked and kept true to how those characters were in the original, but if they can't retain the less savoury sides of Cid, like his cynicism, vulgarity, and his moderately strained "put the fucking tea on" relationship with Shera, I'd be a little disappointed. I'd like for the scene of Palmer getting run over by a truck to also remain.

The Tiny Bronco has to be one of the weirdest forms of 'boat' ever in a mainline FF game. Like, how does it have the fuel, let alone the propeller force to push itself across the ocean? Either way, I returned to Fort Condor and after 2 consecutive "losses" I finally won. On my last two attempts, there was always one that slipped through the cracks and because I was trying to conserve Gil, I didn't have any back up troops on top so it was checkmate every time. I decided, since I was feeling rich; to go all out with setting troops, but in the end I probably could've gotten away with not placing to the limit. The main reason I did better was because of ensuing the troops were always doing something, often I send rangers to dispatch an enemy and then they'd just stand there idly until I noticed they weren't helping.

Let's pray this minigame is better in Rebirth.